China Painting is a very rewarding form of Porcelain Art that is as popular and treasured today as it has been in the past. There are many non-profit China Painting clubs through out the world who's purpose is to PROMOTE CHINA PAINTING AS A FINE ART by:-
China painting clubs exist throughout the world. For information on membership
and services they provide, contact the china painting club listed in your area.
Contacting them directly will provide:-
China Painting Clubs in Southern California
San Felipe Storage
We welcome listings from all established china painting clubs in our region
of the United States. To list a china painting club in this home page, obtain
their approval, mail the club name, postal address and/or E-Mail address to:- chinapaintlady@pacbell.net.
Any suggestions or comments are welcome as well.
Last updated 01/08/2006
Visitors since October, 1996