China Painting is not a lost Art!

China Painting is a very rewarding form of Porcelain Art that is as popular and treasured today as it has been in the past. There are many non-profit China Painting clubs through out the world who's purpose is to PROMOTE CHINA PAINTING AS A FINE ART by:-

China Painting as an Art Form

Short History of China Painting

Definition of China Painting Process

View My Paintings

China painting clubs exist throughout the world. For information on membership and services they provide, contact the china painting club listed in your area. Contacting them directly will provide:-

China Painting Clubs in Southern California

San Felipe Storage

We welcome listings from all established china painting clubs in our region of the United States. To list a china painting club in this home page, obtain their approval, mail the club name, postal address and/or E-Mail address to:- Any suggestions or comments are welcome as well.

Last updated 01/08/2006
Visitors since October, 1996
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