My World....
My tribute to redheads everywhere.
This is a collection of art from my most favorite artist, the Impressionist, Renoir. His models are commonly redheaded and he captures the features in the redheads (and all his subjects) that make them seem to come alive on the canvas.
Here, you can find larger versions of these rotating Renoir even more works by the master.
Renoir's Works
I am also creatating an everyman's guide to Nashville, Tennessee, which is my hometown. I plan on telling you what I know of the often overlooked culture of Nashville. Whenever I have personally seen or attended these things, I will pass on
my experiece at that place. So here's The Nashvillian's Guide to Cultural Nashville. Here is also a map of Nashville to help give you an idea of the layout of the city.
For you deep thinkers out there, check out my other homepage
exploring the aspects of God
and Science. In it, I discuss the errors in modern science and how in fact, science and religion go hand and hand. So for those intrested, look into and let me know what you think.
Hey check it out!
In case you are intrested, this is the page where I have my picture and tell a bit about myself. It is currently under construction but the picture is up with some brief info about it.
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Have visited my page since April 17, 1996. Thanks!! Of course I had 116 before today who stopped by before my unexplained homepage crash...*scream*:
Last updated on April 12, 2002.
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