“OK”, you may say, ”If this guy refuses to be a Virgin Pig then who
on earth is he”. Let’s start from the fact that I am Belarusian
meaning that I come from Belarus
To narrow the location of the place of my origine I would mention
Brest ,
the city where I spent all my conscious life.
My second attribute is that I am an Economist (debutant).
The more I study this subject the more I incline to the conclusion
that economists are people who know about money more than those who
actually have the money. I am gaining my economic knowledges and
forming my creed
at CERGE .
Visit its home page and you will find out what it is.
For the time being I think this information is enough to get some
idea about me.
Hi. My name is Siargej (Sergei). My sun sign is Virgo.
The Oriental calendar tells that the year when I was born was that
of the Pig. So, someone may hastily conclude that I am a little
Virgin Pig. I would strongly disagree with such premature judgement.
country that obtained its
independence almost seven years ago and does not quite know what
to do with it. On the one hand, the independence is a fairly heavy
burden, on the other, Belarus grudges losing it.
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