Welcome To ~Paisley~'s Romantic Notions
Planning your wedding, or know someone who is? Or maybe you're looking for some valuable information, a place to relax, big fun, a little everyday inspiration? There's always a flurry of activity and fun and love and excitement here at Romantic Notions... something new is always going on, or is just around the bend. (After all, there is life after the wedding ceremony!) Why don't you join us for the festivities, and perhaps take a look around our neighbourhood block? You'll find much more than you'll ever believe could be hidden in the neighbourhood nooks and crannies. Simply click on the image of the area you wish to visit first (you'll find links to all the major areas of the site at the bottom of every page - be sure you have a JavaScript-enabled browser). Enjoy your stay!

The Amazing Swanktabulous Live Site Webcam has been unleashed!
Drop in and see if I'm online, and what's happening in my "real time" world.

New! February 17, 2000 - Download my Do-It-Yourself Webcam Kit and make your site interactive!

Take a Limo to My Wedding Would you like to take a limousine to my wedding? Jump into the velvety lushness of the limo, be whisked away to a place of 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue'. You'll find all the details about my own wedding, a "do it yourself" wedding kit I've created just for you, and an online resource guide. Winner of the Way Cool Wedding of the Week award!
Discover Your Inner Swankiness at the Mmmartini Lounge! Welcome to the smoky depths of the Mmmartini Lounge, where the tuxedo is optional but the funky groovin' style isn't! Enjoy the cocktail atmosphere and 'sample' new and exotic martinis... send as many Virtual Cocktails as you like, there's never a hangover or a tab to pay. We've got all sorts of swanky mood music and drinks to choose from... even smartinis ('mocktails') for those who prefer non-alcoholic beverages. Featuring a large selection of swelegant original, unique graphics. You can even don your polyester leisure suit and meet up with others in the Lounge chat! Get a free, unique email address courtesy of the Mmmartini Lounge! (yourname@hepcat.zzn.com)
Get Involved in Your Online Community Perhaps a look around at Community Connect... Meet the neighbours and become one yourself! There's a place for you to leave and pick up messages (for friends you've met or want to meet), a voting booth, places to get involved, and the Community Signpost for site information and direction at a glance. If you need GeoCities or Internet help, the Crisis Support Hotline is the place to find it. You'll also find everything that you need to know about the Romantic Notions site, including copyright information and system requirements.
Meet You at the Back Booth! How about a relaxing visit in the Kafay Nwar (our online Coffee Shop and Juice Bar)? A friendly, casual place to drop in, meet friends old and new, learn some new recipes, and find out a little more about some great people and homes to visit! There's even a corkboard for you to read and share your favourite cooking, recipe, and kitchen-related tips, and find the latest site updates, news, open houses, and happenings.
The Garden: Park, Meadow, & Gazebo Paisley's Garden is a great place to pause and reflect upon that which is the outdoors. Have a leisurely stroll through the English garden or sit and chat with others in the Gazebo. The Playground contains all the equipment (and surprises) needed to bring out your inner child! Monkey bars, seesaws, swing sets... just remember to take your bucket and shovel with you when you leave. The English garden is a delight of herbs, flowers, and traditional remedies.
The Spotlight Playhouse Hand your ticket to the usher and take a seat in the Spotlight Playhouse... because the spotlight is on you! Submit your original poetry, short stories, art, and music files, and enjoy what others have brought forth. Discover some accomplished women within our own community. Find out who's won the "Polyester Paisley Award" and apply for it here too. Visit the current "Spotlight Artists" being featured in the Playhouse (and find out how you can become one also).
Inspiration Point - Get Inspired! Looking for a quote or phrase for the perfect speech? Need to send a one-of-a-kind postcard to a friend? Want to let someone know you appreciate or love them? Thinking of finding an online friend or sweetheart... or finally meeting them face-to-face? There's lots of activity and inspiration to go around.
Keep in touch with ~Paisley~ and all the 'Romantic Notions' friends and neighbours!

Graphics, design, content, and images
Copyright © 1997-2000 ~Paisley~
(unless otherwise noted). All Rights Reserved.

None of the images contained on this entire site
are available for download or use. They are *not* public domain.

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First and only Paris recipient of the GeoCities 'Landmark Site' award and featured in the Homesteader World Report! Thanks, Jen! *smile* (March 1, 1999)
Proud to be
Proud to be Canadian!
We welcome you as a fellow romantic and honoured guest.
Thanks for joining us!