As you can see, I now have a few poems in this collection, but I am always happy to add many more....just send me your original poem and in two or three days it will be posted here!
Poems Of All Kinds
ASHES (collection) - Hassan ElBekraoui
Untitled (french poem) - Steve Rocheleau
Is It Really Worth it? - Firestarter
Pretty Damn Close - Dianne
The Beast Within - Dragon Fyre
Another great poem by Dragon Fyre
Hell - Dragon Fyre
The Devil's Home - Dragon Fyre
Feelings - Firestarter
A good poem by Justine
Finding A Way Out - Julie
What Might Have Been - Matt
Another poem by Firestarter
Good Firestarter Poem
TRAPPED - Firestarter
Lost Love - Firestarter
Links to some other homepages!!!!
The Ultimate Fan Fiction Page
Pyrogiser's Hell
Pyrogiser's other place
Firestarter's HOUSE OF MONKEY
© 1997