~Welcome to a Wallflower fans Homepage~

As you can see, I now have a few poems in this collection, but I am always happy to add many more....just send me your original poem and in two or three days it will be posted here!

Poems Of All Kinds

ASHES (collection) - Hassan ElBekraoui
Untitled (french poem) - Steve Rocheleau
Is It Really Worth it? - Firestarter
Pretty Damn Close - Dianne
The Beast Within - Dragon Fyre
Another great poem by Dragon Fyre
Hell - Dragon Fyre
The Devil's Home - Dragon Fyre
Feelings - Firestarter
A good poem by Justine
Finding A Way Out - Julie
What Might Have Been - Matt
Another poem by Firestarter
Good Firestarter Poem
TRAPPED - Firestarter
Lost Love - Firestarter

Links to some other homepages!!!!
The Ultimate Fan Fiction Page
Pyrogiser's Hell
Pyrogiser's other place
Firestarter's HOUSE OF MONKEY

your really aren't the person to visit, it just took me forever to put this here!!!

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