The Home of Purple Dragon Gang on the Web


Part One
Part Two





-Check it Out-

Sassy New Stuff


High School Tomfoolery and Freshness

In 1990 screwy stuff started happening in Bangor, Maine. If you ever wondered what happened when a group of normal high school students are forced to abide by too many rules, just watch "Doin' It." In the mean time, witness the strange, bizarre, and incredibly fresh story of ...

The Purple Dragon Gang

This sort of thing could only happen at John Bapst Memorial High School, a private school "riddled with incompitence and hypocricy," so said Raymond Giroux, Vice Principal, after he'd been into the sauce. The institution was also riddled with secret passages and hidden rooms. The coolest of these hidden rooms was known to those who knew as The Hole More on this later.



This page has been accessed times since December 16, 1995

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