2d drawings

2d sketches


Well welcome to 17 machine, a gallery of illustrations that I've done as of late.

Now that I'm in the real world, I've served my time in art college, I've been working on a demo reel and portfolio. Any feedback or critism is extremely welcome. I can always use the input. I do a lot of video post production as well as 3d and 2d animation.
My resume is packed in on this site if your interested. I'll be posting new drawings and what not as I finish things. Right now I'm doing alot of random freelance work. If you know of any job openings that I might be interested in, or just feel like shooting the breeze about drawing...

contact me at...


There is more to come so please check back...Hope you enjoy what you see, I guess it's better than a poke in the eye.

©Vincent RIley

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