Now, you may be wondering who this kooky girl may be. Well, Let me tell you....
Ever since I stopped working at Baskin Robbins in October, I have been jumping from job to job.
What I would REALLY like to do is work with Pre-School aged children. If anyone
out there knows of any openings, HOOK ME UP!!!
Got a question or comment for Katie? Jot it down!
© 1996
I have lived in sunny California for all years of my life.
I have a great family with one older sister, Lizz
Beware of feirce felines here!!
No...I didn't put the lion up for no reason.....
it is my band's mascot.... well, it WAS our mascot.(Based on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series by C.S Lewis)
You see, we don't play anymore...and I am kinda sad about it.
BUT!! you are in luck...we still have CDs!! Yeah. we have two of them, but soon to be three....
If you are interested, you can email me at You can even see a sample of our
first album by visiting my diocese's Web page. Either way you look at it...
Aslan STILL rawks......Check out Katie's Homepage of Links!
Don't be dumb.....look at my friends.....
Peek inside my Case Logic
Finally learn how I came up with my name
I touched Tori and lived to tell about it.....
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