Andrea's Salon
You are visitor number
Welcome to my cyberspace salon!
Visit Ivory Tower
Software! Download our shareware and freeware products for
the Microsoft Windows environment.
I enjoy a variety of interests in addition to Ivory Tower Software, including:
Swim Team, a
member team of USA Swimming
(USAS) and the Southern California
Aquatic Association (SCAA);
Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai; and
Metropolitan Educational Network.
Here is a poem for Earth Day 1996, written by my daughter Malia.
Links to other sites on the
Reinventing America
Rick the barbarian in
Visit the Mechanical Gaze, a
telerobotic museum in Cory Hall at UC Berkeley.
Hope you enjoyed my salon--see you again soon!
This page was established in September of 1995.
Last updated May 25, 1999.
Copyright © 1999, by Andrea Wagner, all rights reserved.
me your comments!