Robert F. Baldwin

Author / Troubadour / Storyteller

Author of:

This is the Sea that Feeds Us, (a 1999 "Teacher's Choice" selection of the International Reading Association), Dawn Publications, 1998

Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Beijing, Runestone Press, 1999

New England Whaler, Lerner Publications, 1996

School Author Visits

In addition to writing books for children, I sing, tell stories, and play traditional stringed instruments. I use these skills in all my presentations.

My programs are focused on my books and other curricula-related topics, with songs and stories woven in to make the subject matter memorable and fun for children from pre-kindergarten through the upper elementary grades.

I enjoy working with small groups in classroom settings or with larger groups in assembly halls. My programs are interactive, so I usually don't work with more than 125 children at a time.

"Bob had students of all ages mesmerized by his performance. He charmed them with his songs and intrigued them with his tales. He provided ample opportunity for student participation and his responses to questions were stories in themselves! Bob's warmth and good humor charmed us all."

-- Bettie Jane Bibler, library volunteer and former kindergarten teacher, Johnston, Iowa.

His love of the sea gives him a rich repertoire of sea shanties and legends to share with school children. ... I have never met any (singer/storyteller) who has delighted and inspired young people the way Bob has. You will not be disappointed, I promise you.

-- Richard Marchi, Principal, Great Salt Bay Elementary School, Damariscotta, Maine

  • For a list of my books, click here,

  • For a list of my programs, click here,

    My rates are currently $400 per day plus travel expenses (I usually drive rather than fly to appearances on the east coast). My home base is Newcastle,Maine. From there, I do frequent tours in New England and at least three longer tours per year in the south, the midwest and the middle Atlantic states. Trips to the west coast can also be arranged.

    Anyone with questions is encouraged to write me. Click here to send me e-mail:

    You may also call me at my home in Maine: (207)586-6069

    After you've looked over my programs, You might want to take a look at some tips on how to make an author's visit more memorable, enlightening, and successful. You'll find them at School Author Visits. It's a great web site which also has links to the web pages of many other authors who visit schools.