So, you're probably looking at this thinking what a stupid homepage....
the truth is.... this page hasn't been updated since july the 1st, 1999, and it's now feb 19th 2002. and unfortunately, i deleted all the tragic crap that was on here. too bad, because i'm sure that would have been prime time entertainment right now!! i haven't touched the layout however...and so it still gives you headaches and all that, the only thing missing is the really really really bad writing. i'm currently at my toy-boy's house while he's at a driving lesson, using his computer, listening to kylie and watching buffy all at the same time (i don't even like buffy.) how's that for luxury! y'know, i'm just trying to fill up space, i think i'm doing a pretty good job of it. i've kinda had enough of looking at this trippy background thing, so i think it's time to advertise my current site. <== there it is. now if i can just find that angelfire page i made...