Mike's Stained Glass
vertical space Fish Lamp - Aphrodite's Treasure

Mike's Stained Glass contains stained glass tips, and help. This site also contains a vast array of links, which includes free patterns. There is also quite a few pictures of my more advanced work.

My name is Mike Savad. I am a stained glass artist who lives in Westfield, NJ. I have been doing stained glass for about 19 years. My hobby is stained glass which I first learned when I was 9 years old at the Westfield Summer Workshop. This is a summer program that teaches various arts, crafts and music to kindergarten through 12th grade children. This is where I first got the taste of stained glass, yum. I learned all the basics here. For the advanced stuff I'm self taught.

Through the years, I have helped teach stained glass classes won various prizes in art competitions and worked at stained glass professionally. I would now like to share some of the things that I have learned about stained glass which might be helpful to people who are also interested in this craft.

buttonAbout Me
Update This is my bio, it has a quick history of me. Including like's, and dislike's. There is also a photo of me, if your wondering what I look like. Including a few choice baby shots!

buttonThe Foil Page
The different thicknesses and sizes of foil and their uses.

buttonMiscellaneous Glass Accessories
Items you might not think to use on your projects (jewels, blobs, shells, etc.)

buttonShop Pictures
Update Where I build my stained glass projects. It might give you a few ideas for your home workshop.

Update Some boxes and panels that I've done over the years, as a stained glass artist.

buttonTips and Observations
Update Helpful hints and other things I have learned through the years. This section is getting bigger and bigger. It contains many complete tip pages, covering everything from tool maintenance, to foiling help, all the way to help with soldering.

buttonShopping List
This is your shopping list so that you know where to buy stained glass supplies. It includes everything you need to start stained glass, mostly basic items. Everything is given a description and a rough price (an average price), of what to expect in a stained glass store.

Update I try to have the best of the best for my links page. It's collection, of really cool work, tools, free pattern links and companies. There's also a section for helpful items, including phone books and maps, and much more. Along with a page dedicated to just graphics and textures.

Update Awards I've collected over the years for webpage design. Some are earned other's were given.

buttonMy Adventures With the Aliens
I was with the aliens for a year and this is my story.

buttonThe Brilliance Award
Win my award!!!

Join Bungi.com It's an E-mail based chat group just about stained glass. Great for beginners and advanced crafter's. Highly recommended, we discuss tips, and many other types of questions. You can either go directly to their page or e-mail it from here glass-request@bungi.com. There's also an archive of all the messages that were discussed from day one.

This is also listed in my Links section, but since I recommend it so much I'm sticking it on the front page.

Also there is the stained glass newsgroup: rec.crafts.glass There's a lot of mixed glass subjects discussed there.

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Quick Facts

5-25-2001 - Counter Average is about 200 per day. Highest day was on 4-13-2001 due to an award I won. 1657 hits in one day, I thought the counter was broken! Highest month was also April at 6497, partly due to that award.

11-7-2000 - Current status of hits per day is averaging 150. The old count was about 40-50 around April 2000.

11-7-2000 - October is currently my highest visit count at 6000 unique hits.

11-7-2000 - I get an average of around 8 E-mails a month. Which may be a good thing since I covered a lot of information here.

What's New

7-11-2001 - I removed two of the Web rings on my page. Since Yahoo! updated their site the rings got all messed up. I couldn't find new code, so I removed them. If your the owner of a Ring, let me know and I'll stick it back up.

7-11-2001 - I removed the line at the top of all the pages. It was for the geo banner, but now that it's on the bottom, it's no longer needed. I havn't put the search engine on all the pages yet though.

7-11-2001 - I updated the Links - I corrected the things that people wanted changed. If you can think of a better description that's not too self glorifying I'll put that in instead. I only use a basic link checker, not all the links may work right. If they don't work right, like they bring you to a porn site (like Meredith Stained Glass did), let me know. I must have over a thousand links now and it's difficult to check each one by hand. I also don't go over the description unless I happen to see an error. So if you see that your catalog is on there, but the info is wrong or should be added to let me know.

7-9-2001 - My shop - Has been updated. Now there's more pictures on each page. The pictures are bigger and better then ever.

7-9-2001 - Projects - I added three boxes, a treasure chest, another pink box, and a baseball stadium box. These were christmas presents, so they aren't actually new, but they are new to this site.

7-9-2001 - The About me page is updated. I included a few choice pictures of me when I was a baby.

5-25-2001 - I havn't had much time or energy to really work on Sky City, but since I quit my job due to a dangerous work environment, I should have the time to do the things I want to do. However I bought a new digital camera (Canon Powershot Pro 90IS) and have been playing with that. And I've also been learning Japanese, so my brain has been busy.

This is the new banner. In December the hits were getting low. I've always told myself that if the hits get too low I'd re-do the graphic, so here it is:

Mike's Banner

This new mechanical looking banner didn't work, so I switched back to the other banner.

This is the old banner, you'll see this in guestbook signing's:

Mike's Banner

For a side interest, here is a list of alternate address that Mike's Stained Glass has:






A quick note: I am not a catalog or a pattern depot. Don't bother asking for free patterns from me, or books. Every so often I'll get an e-mail that says to send them a book or a pattern. I don't have any, so don't ask, other then that, have a nice day. I'm also not a store, and I don't teach.

Coming Attractions

Here's where I'm going to list any new pages that I'm working on, or I have in my head for the future. It's coming to a web page near you.

5-25-2001 - I want to add another links page with just Japanese related things, that I've found while looking for a good language lesson.

4-6-2000 - Soon I'll be adding a links page for live camera's that I've found are fast. As well as other cable modem links.

General designing principals
Reinforcement for small projects


I don't mind getting E-Mail, however if you ask a question could you give me your real address and not the "IHATESPAM" address. Also if it's that kind of address, leave your address at the bottom of the page in the correct form so I can cut and paste. It should look like this: esavad@home.com not "esavad at home dot com". It's kind of annoying that way. I just don't want to sound like a jerk or anything, but lately that's just been bothering me.

Also if you haven't received a response from me, it's because you didn't ask a question. I'll take praise and the like. But generally I don't answer them unless there is also a question. In general I get about 1 E-Mail out of every 25-45 hits. Also in case your wondering, I get approx. 110-165 hits a day.

UpdateI've added the new links pages to the list, so you'll have to subscribe to those too (I you want to).

Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail when the selected pages are updated. Hold down the CTRL Key to select more than one. Enter your e-mail address here:

Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail when the selected pages are updated. Hold down the CTRL Key to select more than one.
Enter your e-mail address here:

If you have any comments, ideas or questions, please email me at esavad@home.com

This Stained Glass site owned by "Mike's Stained Glass".
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Since June 27, 1997 - Add another 55,000 due to all the counter changes I've had in the past few years.

Last modified July, 9 2001