This home page is to introduce our family to the World Wide Web. It was set-up for our enjoyment and so I could learn a little about writing html. If you do not have a home page at this time and would like some assistance please feel free to contact me through the link at the bottom of the page.
I work in a large Pulp Mill in northern Alberta, Canada, as a trades technician ( millwright, welder ) and have been interested in computers for the last 10 years. I started with a Commodore Amiga 500 and have just upgraded to a Dell Dimension XPS P120c with 6xCD-ROM, 32 meg ram, a 3.2 Gig hard drive and all the bells and whistles to keep me "puter happy" for many years. This page was made using that computer and with Front Page software.
On this page you will find a little history of our family as well as a few interesting links to some fine places to visit on the web. Please feel free to send your comments via E-Mail on how I can improve this page.
Enjoy your Web travelling
Doug Bragg
Home page of mIRC for all you chataholics
#shangrila for a link to a good chat room where all my friends hang out
Tales of our 97 Summer vacation
Tales of our 98 Summer vacation
Electronic mail address
(Doug Bragg) c/o
FAX number
Please tell me what you think about my home page and how I might improve it.