Most of this stuff is rather ancient and infrequently updated, but kept for nostalgy (not to mention its historical value ;-)).
My current official homepage is at
"U. Szeged" (alas, that is not updated very often, either)...
Working on this homepage is pretty low on my priority list (as
you must have noticed ).
a picture
proving better than a thousand words the advantages of linemode-only browsers!
My main project (beside my real-life work in research on physical chemistry ;-( ) right now is tending the
"Hungarian electronic
resources FAQ".
The antics by the increasingly numerous and agressive net-abusers (such as the infamous Jeff "spamking" Slaton and his eager followers) prompted me to establish a bulk email fee schedule.
Needless to say, I will never ever do business with anyone employing unethical
advertising practices like postage-due telemarketing which spamming really
is. Very few others are likely to do that, either - and I will keep reminding
people how detrimental excessive multiposting is to the very medium abusers
are trying to exploit this way!
Links to other sites on the Web
me, JPEGged
me, GIFfed
anti-spam suggestions
list of some particularly bothersome abusers
Please send
if you have any comments; suggestions of Hungarian interest are
particularly welcome!
My PGP public key is shown
. It has actually been phased out - after 2002-10-31 I'll only use GPG!
My GnuPG public key is shown
This page has been visited times since the counter set
up on 11-19-95.