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Welcome to the home of His Mightiness.  Well, the truth is, I am in Redneck Heaven which can be found in many places in Central Florida.  And yes, I DO know how to vote.  Use the links below to go to the respective sections of my web page kingdom.

His Mightiness' Kingdom by Redneck Nature  - [click here framed version]

This is my MAIN home page where you find anything and everything you would want in a website.  If not, email me.  There are sections for HTML help and tricks, free sites, music (not only country), pictures (The Gators 'N' Crocs section is up and running now!), searches, web promotions, webmaster tools, country oriented links, and much more. And now Firewall sites too!

~ Secondary Areas ~

My Webring

Come on now, everyone needs their own webring.  Mine is "country" oriented, intended only for the rednecks, cowboys/girls, and hillbillies of the cyber space arena.  Of those, only the "high-tech redneck" types make it in.  Are you one?

My Mailing List

I now have a mailing list to entertain all you internet junkies out there.  It is a great mailing list and so far it has had a great start.  I encourage you to at least try it out.  If you want to see what it is about, kick off your boots and stomp on in.

My Poems

Wish You Were Blind - A great love poem which I am proud to say is actually the first one I have ever written.  I now have over 80 in my collection.  I do not expect to add any more to the web page kingdom though, sorry.
Don't Mean as We Do  - This is a poem I wrote while still in the United States Marine Corps.  It mainly has to do with the trouble in relationships with service men & women.
My Resume

I have put my resume online here because I am always looking for the bigger, better deal.  Aren't you?

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