Welcome to Cathy's Place

Gosh it's been a long time since I updated my page - my bad. I finally got a job but it was about 50 miles away from where I had been living in SC for 16 years and John's work was just up the street from my new job we decided to move. Thought about buying - HA! what a joke so we found this incredible rental in Oak Hills less than 20 miles from our jobs. Oh Yeah - we also got a puppy - Sherman, the most adorable Rottweiler - Check it pictures of him and the house!

I haven't done any exciting and thrilling adventures lately. Since I got laid off in January 2002 I've been going to school full time and what little breaks I could take I spent in Arizona with Dylan, Jaala and Steve. However, I did make it to the Grand Canyon over the 2003 Thanksgiving weekend. Here are some pictures of Kurtis, John and I checking out the big hole in the ground.

Road Trip

Go forth and multiply....On January 4, 2004 Steve, Jaala and Dylan welcomed Nolan James (Grandson number 2) at 3:56 pm, weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long. Again I was able to be there for the birth, helping Jaala with her delivery - it was still truly AMAZING!! click on the image to the right to see pictures of the newest family member

On April 21, 2001 my daughter Jaala and her husband Steve had their first child and my first Grandson - Dylan Bailey was born at 8:03pm, weighed in at 8 lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. I got to be there for the birth, helping Jaala with her delivery - it was truly AMAZING!! click on the mother and child to the right to see pictures of the little guy

In July 2000 I joined 2999 others in yet another incredible journey from Cupertino to San Francisco. This one was a 60 mile walk, over 3 days to raise money for Breast Cancer. Click on the 3 Day Logo to read about this adventure

In June 1999 I joined 2950 others on an incredible journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles. 565 miles, over 7 days, on our bicycles. Click on the AIDS Ride logo to read about this adventure.

In April 1998 my daughter got married. For a little insight on what it's like to be the mother of the bride take a stroll through the diary I kept and presented to her and my son-in-law on their first anniversary.

And we can't forget my son. He is a commercial and sport fisherman. This page is for him, a variety of pictures of him fishing that have been taken over the past few years.

I belong to a group called the DDEB, originally we were formed from our mutual interest and admiration of David Duchovny (of X Files fame) - after over 10 years it's become much more than that - it's like a big electronic slumber party/family reunion. In fact we hardly ever talk about 'him' at all anymore. Click on the logo to see what we're all about and my 'sisters' pages.

Check back occassionally, as time permits and adventures happen I'll post them here. Care to comment ?? Send me mail
