Welcome to the Alfden!

Welcome to my den! My name is Alfredo, I'm an Italian student currently attending college in Padova, where I'm majoring in statistics. Yet, I was born in Torino in 1977 (the 2nd of December, actually) and I am now living in Venice. Ok, so here's what this page is all about:

Country music - as odd as that might seem from an italian who looks more like a french scholar than a cowboy. If you are interested, click to check out my periodical CD Review

Photography - Venice is a fine place to take pictures. Here are some I think might be worth a look. It also includes a few pictures taken in Torino.Wanna try?

Myself - ok, not to sound like I got a big ego, but here's a little collection of pix. They are scans from my calendar, the Alfcal 2003... Yes, a little late, but they're finally online! New pics following the success of the 2000, 2001 and 2002 versions (still available!)

My other interests include most sports, especially soccer and baseball, as I am a supporter of Manchester United Football Club, Torino Calcio, and the San Diego Padres. I haven't yet included features on these, but you can find some info if you follow my links. Or, if you have comments about any part of my site, or would like to share an opinion on any one of my interests, why not drop me a line in the mail? (beckham77@libero.it)
mail - CD review - Venice - Alfcal 2002 - links - sms
created in 1999 by Alfredo Barbieri