QT's Place


A Tribute To George Strait
King Of Country Music

These pages were last updated December 1st, 2001.
At that time all links were working but, if
you find one that isn't, please let me know.

When I came to check out some links and make
updates, I found this site in a mess, so I'm
trying to fix everything. Check back soon.

Some of these pages may take a little while to load,
but it's well worth the wait.



All the pictures on my pages are copywrited by whom ever placed them on the CD Covers, in Magazines or whatever, concerning George Strait. I am just a Fan, I created this site as a way to share with others my feelings about the King Of Country Music. I'm not asking for any money for you to view this site. If you want to purchase any George Strait CD's or other collectibles go the the Fan Club Site where you can order on line.


George #1

George Harvey Strait
born in Pearsall, Texas
on May 18, 1952


When you think of Country Music you have to think of George Strait!! With songs like "I Cross My Heart", "Baby Blue", "Blue Clear Sky", Check Yes or No", and so many more, he is in a class by himself as "The Greatest"!! Each time a new CD is released it even better then the last one.

George #2

You would never guess I was a George Strait Fan, unless you happened come to my home and saw all the posters and pictures of George Strait I have hanging on the walls. I have all of his CD's, including the Box Collection, and most of his cassettes. In my video library I have his Movie, "Pure County", other video's, and several recorded tapes of him appearing on CMT and other TV Specials. I have been to three of his Concerts, two in Amarillo, Texas, and one in Wichita,Kansas. All were super!!!!

George #3

When I first heard George Strait and Alan Jackson singing Murder On Music Row on the Country Music Awards Show I said to myself, what a great song!! Larry Shell and Larry Cordle had put on paper the thoughts I'd been having for the last few years. Acts like Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks will long be forgotten by Country Fans, while George Strait, Alan Jackson, Reba, and many more will still be on the top of the charts. I'm not saying their music is bad, far from it. it just isn't Pure Country. Interested in knowing what album your favorite George Strait Song is on, click here ........ George StraitAlbums in my collection so far.

CMA Awards

Entertainer Of The Year
1989 and 1990

Male Vocalist Of The Year
1985, 1986, and 1996

Male Vocalist Of The Year
1986 and 1996

Album Of The Year
"Does Ft. Worth Ever Cross Your Mind"
"Blue Clear Sky"

Single Of The Year
"Check Yes or No"

Academy Of Country Music Awards

Entertainer Of The Year

Top Male Country Vocalist

Male Vocalist Of The Year
1984, 1985 and 1988

Album Of The Year
"Does Ft. Worth Ever Cross Your Mind"

Tex Ritter Award
"Pure Country"

Single of The Year
"Check Yes Or No"

Album Of The Year
"Blue Clear Sky"

Male Entertainer Of The Year


George Strait Sites on the WWW


George Strait Fan Club

The Official George Strait Web Site I'm a proud member of the GSFC. You can evn join the Fan Club on line now. Check out their Awesome Site which includes everything about George Strait.

Straitaly Logo

Straitaly is the First Italian 'Pure Country' Web Site dedicated to George Strait. An Awesome Site!!! This site always has a Web Ring you can join.

Strait Fever

Strait Fever is a Tribute to the Best Dang Country Singer in the World created by Linda Robbins. Awesome pictures and a lot more.

KoolAid Man's George Strait Pages

KoolAid Man's has an awesome George Strait site that has a lot of excellant GS pictures and midi's. Take time to join KAM's George Strait Web Ring if you have a GS Page on the Web.


George #4

Some awesome George Strait Fans Pages

Todd's George Strait Page

All George All The Time

Arthur's George Strait Website

Becca's Way-Cool George Strait Page

Cin's GS Country Music Homepage

Wilcox's George Strait Page

Strait From Wendy

Becca's Way Cool GS Page

Susan's GS Page

Preston Bell's George Strait Page

The George Strait Pure Country Homepage

So You Like George Strait Page

Sportybabe's Homepage

My George Strait Site

The George Strait Pure Country Postcard Page


George #5

My Other George Strait
and Country Music Pages.

Check out my GS Picture Collection
1, 2, 3

QT's Country Links

Other Country Music Stars

My Country Music Awards

Check the link below for some great pictures sent to me by a Lady that contacted me after looking at my GS pages. She has Web TV and does not have a Homepage so I thought I'd just include a Scrapbook for her to share her pictures with everyone that visits my pages. (With her permission)

Judy's Scrapbook

Click on the Banner above to go to a wonderful site created by Jerry Hilton, Webmaster of Cowboys-n-Cowgirls for Douglas Ailey, a victim of cystic fibrosis. In the lastest e-mail received from Jerry on December 4th, 1999, he wrote "Douglas has been on a waiting list for a long time and is now number one to get a new set of lungs!!!" Take time to show your support by dropping and taking a few minutes to sign the guestbook.



Please, take time to sign the Guestbooks. Like you, I am a "George Strait Fan." If you want to get a message to George, you might try going through his Fan Club. Thanks for stopping by and come back again.

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Sign My Guestbook


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KoolAid Man's George Strait Wedring is fairly new. If you have a page dedicated to George, take a minute and join the Ring. Be sure to visit his awesome site.

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Readded June 30th, 2000
Thanks Jerry for making it so easy!!!


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