California Inland Empire District Export Council
Inland Empire District Export Council is a non-for-profit organization appointed by U.S. secretary of commerce to provide sources of professional advice to Inland Empire business community seeking to expand international businesses. 

Composition of the DEC's members:
Volunteer group of local businesses, university professionals, and government civil servants.  Members provide important sources of  professional advices that compliment the counseling and assistance provided by U.S. trade specialists.  These activists are tailored to address community needs. 

Mission of the DEC
DEC accomplish its mission through counseling local businesses, identifying export financing sources, sponsoring programs to create greater export awareness in the local community, identifying issues that impact export trade, supporting the programs and services of U.S. Export Assistant Offices, encouraging international education, and building local export assistance partnerships.

Activities of the DEC
Speaker bureaus: monthly seminars with keynote speakers by local or regional experts.
Export seminars and workshop: quarterly activities sponsored by local international business group and university professionals.
Regional export promotion programs: tours of successful export oriented local and regional companies.
Trade missions: sponsoring trade mission to new-to-market, new-to-export countries to establish trade partners and business-to-business access.
Hosting international buyers delegations: invite and provide information to foreign buyers of Inland Empire made products and services.

Member of the DEC
Like its 55 sister councils around the country, members of Inland Empire District Export Council are volunteers from international business leaders, appointed by the U.S. department of commerce.  Directory of this membership has been published by Inland Empire District Export Council, and available throughout the region, which may be contacted for further assistance in identifying sources of export assistance. [click here]



Arrowhead Credit Union
Department of Commerce
Name: Larry Sharp


Enter new export markets faster and more profitably with our worldwide partners,
U.S. Commercial Service
and Inland Empire International Business Association





Tile of Position Area of Expertise
Larry Sharp
Export Financing
President, CEO of
Arrowhead Credit Union
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