Welcome to my little niche on the web! Lots of things going on in my life right now! I'm trying to start up a story telling web ring packing to move next month, and learning about story writing. Story writing has always been a dream of mine and I hope to share the makings of a new story right here on my web site. Under Bio you will find info about me, my hobbies, and what makes me tick. The egroup link is for my story writing egroup at yahoo. The group is for story writers like myself to trade ideas, get advice and just make some new friends. The newsletter link will be in the future a newsletter dedicated to the story writer. Please check back for updates as to when the newsletter will be functional. I couldn't properly make a web site with out including a page about the love of my life:-) You'll find our little story under My Love. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will enjoy my pet project "Trials of Love" To reach the story click on the Trials Of Love button. Please sign my guestbook with your thoughts and comments. Have a great day!