If you've visited
before, thank you for returning! Be sure to check for new lyrics and poems.
I have left the Civil Service and am preparing to do some serious recording (on my Korg Pandora PXR4 Digital Recording Studio). When I have the New and Improved demos ready, I'll be hitting the stage again! I've nearly completed the final edits on the 2nd edition of my book: a revised collection of poems and lyrics which will contain a large selection of work not contained on this website (plus the old favorites).
I began my "singing career" at age five by sitting in womens' laps and wailing King of the Road for quarters. What a great gig!
My first instrument (other than voice) was the trumpet ( age nine). I migrated from trumpet to baritone, flugelhorn, tuba, and french horn. By the age of thirteen, I was completely horned-out. I first picked up a guitar at age 13. I fell in love -with the guitar, that is - and it's been a wonderful relationship for many years. I've studied Vocals, Music Appreciation/Theory/History, and Slack Key/Classical Guitar at three different Collegiate Institutions.
I am a published poet, but my creative juices have flowed toward Song-Writing in recent years.
I am currently recording 30+ original songs.
All of the links to "Songs,"
Lyrics," "Poems," etc. on this Site will take you
to indexes of original lyrics and poems, some of which contain adult
humor and/or language that certain anal-retentive persons
might find offensive. Don't say I didn't warn you!
My vocal style is kinda like Tom Waits mixed with Jimmy Buffett. A friend recently told me that I reminded him of Jim Morrison. If you've never heard of Tom Waits, picture, in your Mind's Eye (Mind's Ear?), Louis Armstrong with a really bad attitude. If you've never heard of Jimmy Buffett or Jim Morrison, you're surfing the wrong Website!
My guitar playing is
a conglomeration of some very influential musicians: Jimmy Page,
Stephen Stills, Neil Young, and Pete Townshend, to name a few.
This is not to mention the wonderful instruction I've had the
good fortune to receive from various teachers and friends.
(Special thanx to Stubby and Gary "The Village
Minstrel" Heinz.)
The music I've written is, I believe, very unique: a mix of
country, rock, folk, bluegrass, and Hawaiian Slack Key.
As my song, (Not Everything) Changes says, "I was born in California / It was 1962." As the song also says, I roamed to Colorado, to Hawai'i, and, finally, back to California. My adventures while traveling this circuitous route are far too extensive and varied to chronicle on these pages. I've known great joy, profound sorrow, and incredible indifference. Still, I wouldn't change a thing; for the journey has brought me, as another of my songs says (the song from which the title of these pages originated), to Where I Am Today. My wish for all who pass through these pages is a wondrous, exciting Journey throughout whatever remains of this life.
There is much more to be found on this Site. If you're limited by time constraints, please revisit and do some serious surfing; these are very exciting times for me, and I enjoy sharing the joy with any who are interested. Your comments are most welcome; please take a moment to E-Mail me. Your feedback is valued. Again, thank you for visiting, and
Have a Nice Day . . . unless, of
course, you have other plans.
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