Welcome to the ZHS Yearbooks Page
Featuring Accolades, Zaragons & Toroscopes circa 1958-1964, 1971-1982 & 1986-1992
Click on the cover to go to the selected yearbook.
Click on the "In Memorium" link to honor ZHS alumni and staff who have passed on...
Comments?...Questions?....E-mail Dan Hess at toroscope@hotmail.com
Click here to listen to "Bohemian Rhapsody (midi) by Queen" while browsing

| 1959
| 1960
| 1962
| 1963
| 1971
| 1972
| 1974
| 1975
| 1977
| 1978
| 1980
| 1981
| 1983
| 1984
| 1986
| 1987
| 1989
| 1990
| 1992
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Link to the Zaragoza High School Web Sight maintained by TESS
Link to Zaragoza High School Alumni Association Page
Link to page devoted to Zebra (ZHS earlier years) era alumni.
Link to an excellent web page for our rivals, the Torrejon Knights maintained by Tony Browning, Class of 1984
Sevilla High School Toros-Many additional American Spain students and grads over the years !!
This DODDS World site owned by Daniel Hess.
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I put up a little page with some pictures taken during my time at ZAB. If you are interested, click here:
ZHS Memories to view that page. You can return here or move on into Tess' ZHS pages from there.
My personal web page (done under guise of "Fengshui" or "Feng") can be found here:Feng's World.
Updated 06 August 2005