<BGSOUND SRC="/red_neck_lady/tigsong.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
RedNeckLady's Tigger Home Page
Howdy, my name is Tonya, and I happen to be a tigger fan as well as a redneck.  This is just a page that I am working on to show of the pics of the things I love.  Also included at the bottom are some of my favorite links (I'll be adding more).  All of the pics right now are from my wedding because that is all  I have on the computer.  I will update them as I get new ones.  Enjoy....
Hubby's step-dad, Hubby's Mom, Me,  Hubby, and Hubby's Grandmother
Mom, Me, and Hubby
Me and My Son
Me and Hubby
Pics of the One's I Love
Willie Nelson's Official Home Page
The late, great, Johnny Cash's Page
The Official Site for Waylon Jennings
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