This site is dedicated to those who aspired to be something more:
By giving of themselves, they inspired much in me.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
(We should ALL have a dream!)

Pamela Bounds-Hall, 1998
Darla Trice, 1994
Karla Tucker Brown, 1998
Samuel Henderson, 1998
C. A. S., 1995
Michael W. Rickard, 2000

"When judgement & ridicule darken your path, overlook it & smile."
-Dariana, 11/07/00-

*Notice to All Visitor's, Please Read First*
Neither this site, nor it's author supports any sort of witchcraft that is not of the original Wiccan/Pagan traditions.  It does NOT support any
sort of cults, demonic behaviors, evil practices, or the mishandling of the true Wiccan/Pagan faith.  Please email if you have questions or are the victim of any sort/type of demonic ritual abuse.  True Wiccan/Pagan covens are NOT abusive nor destructive!!!  Brightest Blessings All!


Merry Meet One and All....
I am so glad you dropped in!  We have updated!  Check out the changes! There is a bit of everything here if you browse all the nooks and crannies.  For those who have been here before, there are several new items such as more about me and my beliefs, causes, poetry, etc.  Hopefully your visit will not only lighten your load but also ease your soul.  Please take a moment to sign the guestbook before you leave.  I'd love to visit you sometime too.. 
Well, it has been awhile since I have posted new info on the site.  So, let me catch you up on my life.  I recently received an email where I was prejudged for something good I had done.  The writer of the email simply noticed that I was a "witch" and assumed all within me was evil.  The words used were blunt and to the point.  However, instead of getting angry, I decided to email back and properly introduce the "rest of the story".  (Afterall, I am much more than just a "witch".)  Anyway, I was pleased to receive an email reply in which sincere apologies were offered for "jumping the gun."  That email made my day!  It also got me to thinking how easy we are all prepared to judge one another.  Especially when it is something we are not knowledgeable about.  Remember the words,
"Harm Ye None"
I put myself in place of the person who had emailed me and I realized how important it truly is to spread the truth as to what Wiccans/Pagans are really about.
It is also why I have posted the notice above about cults and abusive rituals.  Maybe it will help prevent
a misunderstanding of the faith in the future.  I hope
I have made some clarification that being a "witch" does not make one evil.  People are the ones who make themselves evil.  Evil people come from all walks of life and religions, not just Wicca/Pagan.
All I ask is that you read these pages with an open mind and an open heart.  Please visit again soon!

Double Fairy
(click Fairy pic for further info about me)

  "The Way It Is" 
How they'd love to set me afire, 
to kill my pretty face. 
How they long to touch my lips, 
In a delicate and wicked embrace.... 
I am...what they dream, 
as I tempt their hidden lust. 
I need only to glance their way.... 
to feed upon their trust, 
Written in 1997 
for Lady Daria 
Edward "RK" Thompson

I took the Pledge -

Wicca and Witch Links On The Site
 The Wiccan Rede
 The Witches Creed
 The Candle Corner
 The Witches' Voice
   13 Goals of a Wiccan Witch
 Charge of the Goddess
 Charge of the God
  Book of Shadows Pages

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Come see what we are reading, writing, & discussing.

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*NEW ------My Personal Pages*
 A Bit About Me
 My Issues & Causes
 My Poetry & Writings

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Last Updated By: Lady Daria - 02/15/2006
Copyright@1997-2006 All Rights Reserved