Welcome to the ZD Ranch.
It’s a big part of
my life.
It was paid for with
blood, sweat and tears.
It helps me deal
with strife.
What we do here is grow grass.
Not Emus, fruits or
We tend our cows a
Sometimes we ride
for hours.
There’s no fancy buildings here.
No fences built by
If it looks man
made, I made it.
That ain’t exactly
We’ve had cows by the thousands
Over twenty some odd
But it’s the few
hosses that we’ve owned
That makes us shed
some tears.
There was Rousy G. and Polikuch,
Super Sox and Red.
They earned their
keep and did their work,
But now they all are
It’s up to me and Cricket now.
Queenie seems like
she’ll do.
Her baby’s name is
Next Spring she’ll
join the crew.
Now we don’t need three hosses
To work eighty some
odd cows.
Why we even got a
But there surely
ain’t no plows.
We grow grass and hay.
Not corn or beans or
We see no need to
grow a crop
A cow can’t harvest
from her feet.
We spray and kill the weeds.
Cut brush and kill
In the end, if we’ve
done it right,
Both us and the cows
can eat!
©David J. Dill
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