My name is Brian better known on the net as Corvette29m,I am a 31 year old male from Ontario,I am married to a wonderful woman,her name is MaryLou known on the net as sunsetbeaches,and have two handsome boys Willy and Andy, they are what makes my world a world worth living in.As you can see my two passions in life are wolves and Corvette's,the top Vette is similar to one I used to own a 78,however mine was candy apple red, the other is from the year I was born,both are very sharp looking cars.*S*
This is my first attempt at a home page so please bare with me,For those of you who have been here before as you can see I am adding on a regular basis so please enjoy.
Below from top to bottom is sunsetbeaches my wife,William my oldest boy who is 7,and Andrew my youngest at 5,they are what makes getting up in the morning such a joy,I love them with all my heart and soul.
