RooRythmics Bush Band, Sydney

RooRythmics Logo

RooRythmics Bush Band, 1996

Band Photos from our Chatswood Gig in June 1996


Find out about us...Bios of the RooRythmics

Find out about Boyd Murray our rhythm guitarist, plus a little history of our band!! Dwight Walker, our bush fiddler's bio is online now too. Ross Hansen our lagerphonist and caller tells us about himself.

Contact Details

Great fun!!!

Press Releases

Slab Cottage, 76 Chifley St, Smithfield NSW

Celebrate Heritage

ARTSWEST April 2001 p.6

Recently officially opened is the restored slab cottage of 76 Chifley St, Smithfield. Once typical of rural housing in the Fairfield area, it is now the only one remaining in situ. Another has been moved into the grounds of the Fairfield City Museum and Gallery on the corner of The Horsley Drive and Oxford St, Smithfield.

Fairfield's heritage will be celebrated at the cottage on Sunday, April 22, from 10.30am to 3.30pm, with the RooRhythmics Bush Band [sic], old fashioned kids' games, best-dressed in early 1900's costume competition, valuation of family heirlooms, garden stall, classic cars, face painting, Devonshire teas and barbecue.


Our Aim

To perform and call bush dances for community groups, social clubs, church camps and singles clubs in Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast.

For the past 10 years, we have been performing dances from the Bushwackers and Bush Music Club including Scottish and Irish reels and jigs.

The Band

The RooRythmics is a 7 piece bush band playing in the Sydney area. Dwight has been with them since 1989. The group has been together since 1986 and consists of


In about 2000 we made a recording at Charing Cross Studio, Waverley but the master tape has disappeared!

Past Gigs

We have played eveywhere around Sydney (next month NZ, Christmas LA, then London - sorry I was getting carried away there for a bit!) including

Gig Details

Free icons by Goff
Photos and logo © 1996, 1997 RooRythmics

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