Dixie Chicks!

The newest country group

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This is my dixie chicks page, also one of my first. They are a group from Texas. They are new to country and released their cd "Wide open spaces" in January of this year. The group members are, Natalie Maines ,Martie Seidel , and Emily Erwin. Look around see what I have to show! The most popular songs for now from

The Dixie Chicks


"I can love you better" and "There's your troubles"

Their cd's

1990- Their first album "Thank Heavens For Dale Evans"

1992- Their second album Little Ol Cowgirl

1993- Their third album Shouldn't a told you

1997- Their fourth album that went gold " Wide Open Spaces"

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liz's Unofficial D.C. Page
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my page About me (2 pictures,and stuff)
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This is a dixie chick fan page only. This has nothing to do with monument records or any of that. Thankyou!


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