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Welcome to Bearden High School

Hey Gang, the 2006 Reunion happened Saturday, August 5, 2006. It was a great success. Watch this site for information on photos and mailings.

Class of '69


Knoxville, Tennessee

Welcome to BHS Class of 69 (The Last Best Class) Reunion Home Page.

Thanks to the hard work and efforts of Cathey Dixon and Garnett Neil, the 2006 Class of '69 Reunion was a super affair. The 40th Reunion is being planned now!

Keep your mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses current. Cathey will find you if you don't!

Test your memory and identify classmates on the Picture  Page. You can send mail to the webmaster by selecting Webmaster. Sign in at the Classmate Guestbook by clicking Classmate. Read comments from other classmates by clicking View Guestbook.

Garnett Neil ( and Cathey (Matthews) Dixon ( are planning the reunion. Please stay current and help them find lost classmates.

Address to view a list of classmates with known addresses and email. Help us find lost Classmates. Click Lost to view a list of missing classmates.  

The Class of '69 has established a fund in conjunction with the Bearden High School Foundation. Modest contributions from our class may be used to set up a scholarship or to pay for needed improvements in the school. Our class may establish the award criteria and name the scholarship or project. This gift from our class would become part of the annual BHS Senior Awards day. Tax deductible contributions to our class fund may be sent to the Bearden High School Foundation, Inc., Class of '69 Fund, 8352 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919.

Here are some other interesting Bearden High School links:

Official BHS Home Page:  


Unofficial BHS Alumni Page:  

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Last edited October 9, 2006.
