A Tennessee Woman is a Special Woman.

She is a woman of many faces and,
on some days, she may choose to wear a mask.
She can dance a jig at the country fair
and she can dance "Sleeping Beauty" in concert.
She can be funny and flirtatious;
She may even wear orange socks.
Celtic music makes her homesick
and Freedom is her lover's name.
She carries her hardships with determination and dignity.
She carries her religion with diligence and devotion.
She weaves grief, doubt, honor, and courage into threads of wisdom.

A Tennessee Woman is a Special Woman.

A Tennessee Woman is the woman in the song:
she is Verdi's Violetta like Mary Costa;
she is "The Honky Tonk Angel" like Kitty Wells;
she is the "Mama Done Tol' Me" blues like Bessie Smith;
she is "The Coal Miner's Daughter."
On her, change wears the face of certainty.
On her, God created loving.
On her, life created the blues.

A Tennessee Woman believes in God.
Her prayers may be whispers or shouts.
Her robes may be homespun or silk.
She survives the torment betwen intention
and the result--
between who she is, and who she can be.

She uses different rituals in her spirutual life.
and worships in different ways.
She looks not for answers but for a still heart.
Her faith may crash unfettered into an
unforgiving tradgedy,
but at all times-in abundance or in need-
in the joy of life, or in the shadows marked death,
a Tennesssee Woman believes in God

A Tennessee Woman is a feast in motion.
When she walks, she sings songs to the Mother Earth.
When she runs, she writes poems to the stars.
When she sits, she paints rainbows.
And when she dances,
she dances love letters to the world.

A Tennessee Woman loves the pretty things:
she loves the white dress with the golden sash
and the sugar maple leaves in the Fall;
she loves the fireflies in a darkened wood
and the yellow-red sky at sunset.
She knows that joy is fragile
and pleasure is wild and sweet
She laughs and cries and grows old,
but ever and always, she loves the pretty things.

A Tennessee Woman is a Special Woman.
Written by Dr. Dorothy Floyd, director of the Tennessee Children's Dance Ensemble

Hi y'all....I am Ruby...and I am a Tennessee Woman...and damn proud of it..lol. I am also a mother...a wife...a daughter...a sister...a teacher...a friend ..a UT VOL fan(*wink*) and last but not least a surviror of a 10 year abusive relationship. The poem you see on this page and the ones that follow...tell something about ME! About who I am and what I am made of...and the person I shall continue to be. So as we say here down south....come on in....let me pour you a glass of sweet ice tea(my favorite drink) and take a look at the words and images that I have collected to share with you. And feel free to email me or chat with me on icq..if ya can find me there...lol...hey what can I say i'm a busy gal...lol...ttfn...and enjoy!!! Oh and before I forget....sign my guest book...*s*...I would love to know who stopped by...*s*

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