S.W. Friends In Real Life
Bulletin Board
Comments?..OR if you are a Southwest Regular and would like to be included on this page, please attach picture in jpeg, gif, or bmp format (no avs!!! Mega or otherwise) to email and include in text your chat nickname and state of residence (and URL if applicable so I can link your picture to your web page).. ..E-mail Feng here.... ...(if auto email fails, addy is.. swchatroom@hotmail.com )
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A Friend
A friend is like a flower
a rose to be exact
or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
which spirit never dies.
A friend is like those blades of grass
that you are never able to mow
standing straight, tall and proud,
in a perfect little row.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have friends.....
poem by: Diana Mitev

This dove is for Feng's Aunt Molly, Dee, Backtrack, Capri, and all Cancer survivors/sufferers .. We love you!! ...
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Update 8 Feb 2004 - Removed Dead Links on main page
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