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Greetings! On behalf of the people of the anti-garth realm,
I welcome you to the sanctuary of the sane. Why do I call it that, you
may ask? Very simple. Throughout this web site you will be
exposed to the true exploits of Garth Brooks. Namely, that he is
an arrogant, greedy, and selfish superstar unworthy of the affections
of millions. NOTE: This information cannot be handled by everyone. Only the most mature and intelligent can proceed through the land of the sanity. Otherwise, I'll receive whiny, immature hate mail from childish Garth fans (hmm...a bit of repetition, perhaps?) that I'll promptly delete. If, however, you are a fan of the first amendment and believe it applies to EVERYONE- not just you- then I invite you to browse the following sections of my web site. ATTENTION: DUE TO INTENSIVE SITE CLEANING, CURRENTLY ONLY THE MESSAGE BOARDS,WHY I HATE GARTH, AND PART OF THE READING MATERIALS PORTIONS ARE FUNCTIONING.
Copyright InfoSite Design © 2002 Jane Kirk . No Part of this site may be reproduced in part or full without written permission from the Web master . Disclaimer:
The OPINIONS expressed on this Web site are MINE!!!! They are not expressed out of any personal vendettas I might have against Garth Brooks. I am not now, nor have I ever been employed by Garth Brooks. I simply believe him to be a greedy, arrogant, and untruthful being. Which is why I have this site. To express the aforementioned beliefs. Everything mentioned on this site has been stated by Garth at one time or the other, either in person or through an interview. I was a Garth Fan Once-I would not have believed this stuff if Garth had not qualified it with his own words!
Contact Information:
If you have something to say, I would prefer you to post it on the message board (that's why it's there, after all!) However, if you would like to provide info or would like to provide editorial content for possible publication on the site, you can email me at Jane Kirk . If you are writing me hate mail, please at least try to be creative. This site's been operation since 1997; I've seen a lot of emails since then. |