Click here to get the details on the 1st ever Newfie Workshop !

This is me---Gail

Hi, I'm Gail. I started Line Dancing in May '95....I have enjoyed it from the first step I took on the dance floor, and having an instructor like I had made it so enjoyable. I started teaching in July '96, and have done many classes since and plan to do alot more. We are a small but very energetic group and we have loads of fun. Throughout the year we perform at Charity Benefits, Celebration Days, Senior Citizens Parties, Christmas Parties, Trade Shows, Socials, along with our regular group get togethers, etc. Updated...Sept. 04/00

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Little Honky Tonk

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Special thanks to Gayle from Grand Bank for her patience and continuous help putting my webpage together. Gayle is a dancer with Donna's Downhome Dancers. Be sure and check out their site. You will find their site listed at my link page.