Txwildthang's Homepage
Hi, let me introduce myself to you .. I am Txwildthang.. aka Teresa .. I am a 44 year old single mom of two  from West Texas.  I love  the simple things in life.. a friendly unexpected jester means alot more to me than a dozen roses...My two children are grown and they are out on their own.. my daughter is married and soon to make me a grandma.. my son is working and looking for mrs right.. and my son in law is the best a woman could ask for.. . they are wonderful people and I hope each of you someday get the chance to meet them ..

I have met several people throughout the years.   Some will always have a very special place in my heart and I hope those that I think this of, knows who they are..  I can tell you that out of the many people I have met either one on one or thru hosting BBW parties I have only met one that I wouldn't care to see again... I am blessed with being able to meet so many people from across the land and across the country... from "good ol country boys" to "city slickers.". I have found... we all put our pants on the same way... one leg at a time..

Thru the pages that follows I hope maybe you can see alittle about me and learn something about me that you never knew... I have included many friends pictures .. and if yours isn't there ... I don't have it.. if I have included one you would rather not have there let me know i will remove it and if you have one you would like to add .. just tell me I would be glad to.
Some of the backgrounds on my pages is from West Virginia and some are of the nature around me right here in good ol Texas.. but they are all beautiful I think.. so sit back enjoy .. and be amazed... lol .. huggles and snuggles.. . Teresa aka Txwildthang
Me this year 2005 l
Fence opening 101 Texas Style
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