Duke City Singles Square Dance Club Banner

Duke City Singles
Square Dance Club

Albuquerque, New Mexico

We are members of the
Central District - New Mexico Square and Round Dancing Association
and of Single Square Dancers USA.
We welcome both singles and couples who love to square dance.

Single Square Dancers USA logo and link

Come join us at the
Albuquerque Square Dance Center

4909-15 Hawkins NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
(505) 345-9797 - Center answering machine

Square Dance Every Friday Night
Richard Lane, caller

(Contact us to find out when new classes will begin)

Singles and couples welcome

Welcome everyone to another month of Great Dancing with the Duke City Singles. We have a lot of fun things planned and want everyone to come and enjoy with us.

Upcoming events: (Mark your calendars!)

We now have a new website! Please see us at dukecitysingles.com for all the latest!

7th:   Club Colors - Potluck - Also, our second quarterly meeting. This is for all club members, students, officers. A time to share your thoughts and comments. 7:45 PM.
14th:   Monthly Birthday and Anniversary - No Anniversary to celebrate. Birthdays wishes go out to Mildred Langston and Marilyn Stixrud.
21st:   JINGLE BELL DANCE - There is no class tonight, instead we will have a Turkey Dinner with all the fixings. There is no time change for these festivities. 6:30 - 8:00 - Turkey Dinner followed by our Club Dance. The club extends a welcome to everyone to join us. Class members, club members and guests.
28th:   Regular Dance - However at the close of the Dance we will have a New Years Celebration: a Toast to the Old Year and Welcome in the New Year. As the old year is coming to a close, a special thanks goes out to the effort the club, our Board Members, and last but not least: To Our Great Caller Richard and Leslye for their support and weekly calling. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful New Year.
Additional information:
If any club member has a special event to celebrate please let us know and we can celebrate with you at our dances.

square dancers
Proud Sponsors of the
28th Annual New Mexico Singles Fling

May 2 - 4, 2008
Callers: Shane Greer and Art Tangen
Cuers: Ronnie & Bonnie Bond

Visit Our Favorite Links

Albuquerque Square Dance Center
American SQUAREDANCE Magazine

www.dosado.com/" target="_blank">DOSADO.COM - Western Square Dancing
Las Cruces, New Mexico Square Dance Club Info
New Mexico Square & Round Dance Association
Single Square Dancers USA
Southwest Area Square & Round Dance Association (El Paso, TX)

Click for Albuquerque, New Mexico Forecast

Contact us: Gerri & Loren Dunbar – 505-839-4962 or DukeDancer123@msn.com
Directions: One full block west of I-25, 1/2 block north of Ellison.
Take the Ellison/San Antonio exit of I-25, go west (away from Sandia mountains).
Turn north (right) at the first intersection past the motels. This is Hawkins.

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