~Rope The Moon~

Hi *waves*! My name is Cwdancer and I'd like to welcome you to my home. I'd be delighted if you'd come on in, sit a spell, relax, and enjoy yourself. I'd be much obliged if you'd take a moment to sign my guestbook before you leave. Most of all...have a good time!
Meet Wanderer--follow him inside for a look around!!!!
(I've found that the best way to get Wanderer to take you inside..is to click on him....remember, he's a CAT...humour him!!! *L*)

I'd love to hear from you!!

Prayer for the Day
I want to thank you, Lord,
for being close to me so far this day
With your help I haven't been impatient,
lost my temper, been grumpy,
judgemental, or envious of others.
But i will be getting out of bed in a minute
and I think I will really need your help then.

Page built and maintained by Cwdancer at Rope The Moon

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