The Densa Quiz
Do they have a fourth of July in England?

How many birth days does the average man have?

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Kentucky's Missing Kids Kentucky Flag

Disaster Relief Links

Last Modified on: 05/27/2006

Chuck Moore's Geocities Home Page

Hi, I'm Chuck Moore


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I am years old from Louisville, Kentucky. I am 5'7", 200 lbs. with curly brown hair, hazel eyes and glasses. I hold three degrees: I have a AS degree in ComputerProgramming from Watterson College, I have a BSBA degree in Computers and I have a BSBA degree in Management from Sullivan College. My favorite sports teams are the New York Yankees, the Green Bay Packers and the University Of Kentucky Wildcats. I am trying to learn how to play the mandolin, the banjo and the guitar.

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My ICQ Number - 20274129

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