The story of Okie Angel

About a year ago a young cowgirl was wandering the internet one dark night, she stumbled into a chat room and typed in her handle. That night she met a friend that called her his "Oklahoma Angel". Soon after they met at least twice a day to chat and exchange e-mails. They became vast friends and cyber-sweeties. The extreamly tall young woman became weary of typing Oklahoma Angel after every e-mail, and soon became the wonderful the talented Okie Angel. Well, after many days spent sitting in front of the screen the two drifted apart. Eventually not talking at all. Okie Angel became saddened by this fact. Finally she became known as Okie Angel and the name just kinda stuck. And too this day she is still known as Okie Angel...

In any case that is how I became Okie Angel. Follow the links thru out this page to learn more... thanks for stopping by my little house on the vast internet range. Please kick off yer boots, grab a cup of hot coffee and make yerself at home. Oh, and one more thing. Please stop and sign the guest book thata way I know you was here and I can see what cha think. But Thanks anyways for stopping by. I hope you enjoy yer visit...

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