The Healing Power of Jesus


Fight the good fight of faith - walk in divine health!

The devil's success is dependent on our ignorance. Healing is not a promise it's a fact! What we have depends on our faith in His word.

Acts 1:8 says, "You shall receive power." People perish for lack of knowledge. Tell yourself the truth. See yourself as God sees you - HEALED! We walk by faith, not by sight! Don't follow your senses. People think because situations are - that it must be the will of God. Not so! God permits us to choose. He gives us a free will to make our own choices. God allows it, because we choose it. WE make bad decisions. The Bible is our covenant with God. It is God's divine will and our book of promises. It is the roadmap of life and everything you need. Stand on those promises!

Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear?
Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.

Don't allow your senses to dictate the terms of your existence. If you believe in God's word, then act like it's true! God's word does not return void. You have what you say, positive or negative. God said it, that settles it, whether you believe it or not!

Committed to Serving Him,

South Banks Community Church

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