Connie Williams Homepage
Connie Williams is one of the most spectacular female
country vocalists of recent times.She has traveled the USA
performing her music for many types of venues and thousands of
people and now awaits the release of her debut CD and video.
Connie Williams has a voice reminiscent of
the first ladies of country music. Her career has been
greatly influenced by the great female country vocalists such
as Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline and Reba
MacEntyre. Connie is a must see and must hear artist. If you
are interested in her music and would like to be on her
mailing list for her CD and performance schedule click on
the E-mail button below. Please Enjoy the sight.
Connies Mp3 Files to Download ( Connie performing
in the recent past)
See Connie in Action on Stage and read her
personal message
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Friend Bradley
Olson and His websight
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