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Hi and welcome to my little piece of the Super Highway......better pull well off the road, if you want to browse around my little shop....wouldn't want you to get run down! *Grin*

My name is Gay (aka "18Sunny18" or "Sunny"), and I live in Texas, where MOST everything is bigger...*Grin*  Nowwwww, you know what I mean.... hearts, smiles, hospitality...*Grin*

Actually, with the industrial growth that has migrated into the southwest in the past 20 years or so, Texas is much like any other part of the country.... except for the heat!!  Summers are scorchers, and winters are unpredictable....it can be in the 70's one day, freezing the next, beautiful the next, and tornados or hurricanes the next!  *Laughing*

Like so many in today's world, I'm a single divorced mom.  I have two sons, two daughters, one grandson, and one granddaughter due in December, '99.

Since I've been working and taking care of kids most of my life, I've had little time to be a kid myself, however, that's my ultimate goal! *Grin*

I love to travel and have been blessed with the opportunities to attend several Internet get-togethers or "bashes" now, where I have met many wonderful
people, some of whom have become life-long

friends and fellow romper roomers.  I love people, in general, but I do have a tendency to be shy & aloof until I get to know folks.....not uppity....just cautious. *Smiling*  Since I have a loyal and lasting commitment to good friends, once you do get to know me, you'll probably regret it! *Laughing*  Not to worry, though...I admire honesty the most in people, so feel free to speak your mind whether you enjoy my company or not!  I enjoy a challenging conversation, and I take rejection well...*sniffle, sniffle*  I really do appreciate sincerity, though, & a great sense of humor, so if you're ever down this way in need of a friend, look me up.  There's lots of great places to see & visit in Texas, and if you've got credit cards, I'll even take you to lunch! *Grin*

Seriously, Texas has something for just about everyone and all within a day's drive of anywhere you are in the Lone Star State.  If you love bay or deep sea fishing, the Gulf Coast is the place to visit.  Galveston, Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, and Port Isabel are all filled with charters, ferries, festivals, and beach fun.  If you're more the trout, bass, catfish, or rubber tire fisherman, you might enjoy the Highland Lake area in the beautiful Hill Country west of Austin (the state's capitol).

For all you land-lovers, hikers, and mountain climbers, Texas' Big Bend country plays host to the Chisos & Guadalupe Mountains.  Big Bend is full of very scenic beauty and sits directly adjacent to the Rio Grande Valley, famous for its Texas-size vegetables & citrus fruits.

Click on The Roses for the Lyrics


                     by GlobalGuest.Com