Marci's Nick 'O The Web

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To tell you a little about myself & family. I am divorced with two wonderful kids, and live in Pekin, Illinois( pronounced Ill-i-noy, NOT NOISE, thank you very much). I'm a Communications Clerk/Certified Nurses Asst. at a local hospital in the Radiology department. I have to mention my two wonderful children. My son, that I'm very proud of, graduated this May from High School and also a daughter who I'm equally proud of that is a Sophmore in High School.

I've lived in many places all across the country: AZ, MI, TX, and MO and also in England. The shopping there in England was a bit different than here in the states. They had Market Day on certain days of the week which is like an open market to buy fresh fruits and veggies, clothes and whatever else from vendors. It was a wonderful adventure and look forward to going back one day.

In my spare time, when I have some, I surf the net, making changes to the pages here and chatting with some of the long distant friends that I have made online. You can sometimes catch me usingAol's Instant Messanger or in the Zone playing spades under the nickname of Dewholic. Yes, I am addicted to Mt. Dew. :) Some of my hobbies include reading, crocheting, watching tv, bowling and most kinds of music although my favorites are country and classic rock.

Sit back, relax and explore the great wonders of the internet but be careful...there are some weirdos out myself, but I've been told I'm not all that bad and the ones that told me that were weirder than I am. :) Take care!!

Click for Peoria, Illinois Forecast

St. Louis Carinals   KC Chiefs



"Green Day ~ Time of Your Life"  


These pages were created by myself, some graphics borrowed and some made by myself or edited using PSP. If you don't like me using them..well...shucks!! Feel free to let me know what you think by email, good and bad comments welcome. More changes and additions coming soon so check back often. Also if you happen to come across a link that isn't working any longer..I'd love to hear from you. Take care whoever you are. :)

THE END....YEEHAWW!!!(of this page)

Last modified on November 23, 2005