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Hi, I'm Mickey. This site is dedicated to my love of Mickey Mouse and all types of mystical creatures. I've been collecting Mickey Mouse since I was little. (I keep telling people that I'm either an overgrown kid or an undergrown adult...lol) I've been fascinated with the mythical ever since I started reading the "Dragonrider" books by Anne McCaffrey in my teens. If there is a particular animal or creature that you would like to see, just ask. Who knows, I might be able to find it and show it here....

This is my pixie dragon named Ruth, after the white dragon from "The White Dragon" by Anne McCaffrey. I got him from a friend at DraconaEclectica

Here are some sites that are dedicated to Dragons:

Stormcaller, my oldest son

These are my Christmas Pages :-)

The Doll and The White Rose

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You're the Counter person to be nice enough to visit! Feel free to come back anytime.

© 1997 mickey_45@hotmail.com

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