Hi I'm Kevin.
This is the first time I have ever tried to do a homepage so please be patient.
As you can see, And probably guess.....The picture up above is a picture of myself and my "Sister" Sheila. Down towards the bottom of the page your going to find links to a couple of dances that I wrote. Also listed in the links section is a link to "The Information Super Dance Floor"
My interests are:
line dancing, music, friends, sports, camping, silence..
The page is suppose to be:
Just for fun
Line Dancing
A little about me
Email me at the addy below in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Links to other sites on the Web
© 1997 ksw618@slic.com
This is a Dance that I wrote
Newest dance written Sept 1998.
my second dance.
A friends home page worth checking out.
One of the best pages for any linedancer "The Information Super Dance Floor"
This is the list of some of our favorite dances!!!!
Jackie & Dale from Mason, MI
This is a page owned by Kerry and Helen Line dancers from the UK.
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