Hillbilly Music Fans

Great art by George Boofdisser!

Click here for a very sweet poem my mother wrote.

Yet another country & Western fan lost to us!
Our Uncle Bill,
Our uncle passed away Saturday night,
before Sunday morning sun down.
Bill had been a great fan of Johnny Cash. Read all about Bill in the go to! He lived a full happy life.

This is the sound that will echo forever
from this lovely lady
& other famous stars of Country!
I'm sure Rick feels very honored
to have been with her on the long tour!
Click the photo for Rick's page.
He now has his voice in the realplayer and he is great! ;)

Tanya Tucker...
powerful voice
with a pretty face!

Country & Western Fans!

Visit Fran's Memorial Page
The tune "Bluejeans" is dedicated for Aunt Fran,
she lived in hers.

Brenda spent much time with Aunt Fran,
learning to even sing
playing the guitar.
We miss gravely our aunt Fran
and her sisters,
"our mothers"
as well we will miss the uncles and others as well.