"Mich's"  Page
My Humble Tribute to Dale
Well, it ain't much, but here it is.  LOL  Hope you get a little bit of enjoyment out of it.  Maybe one of these days, I'll figure out how those 2 webmasters Pootie & Lindy come up with so many awesome backgrounds and graphics....   maybe......
I am a 42-year-old NASCAR nut, born in West Virginia.  Moved to Michigan when I was 11.  Been freezing here ever since...lol.  Married for the second time, I have a 22-year-old daughter (married) and an 19-year-old son (class of 2000).  My husband is a truck-driver for a near-by pet supplies distributor, and I do all kinds of clerical work at a Lansing plumbing wholesaler.
Hubby & I are both certifiably NASCAR crazy,  being tried & true Rusty Wallace fans.   We both like the Detroit Red Wings  and the Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, Pittsburgh Steelers, & Buffalo Bills.. Hubby is for Michigan State, while son and daughter are both  Michigan fans (makes for some interesting college football days..lol).  I just sit back and watch the sparks fly ......heeheehee
I'm also an avid collector of anything with wolves on it. I have collector plates, pictures (framed & unframed), posters and figurines up the wazoooo.   LOL
My "sweeties" - life just wouldn't be the same without the ones I love most......
At last!!  Pictures from the Inaugural Weekend at Chicagoland Speedway~~
A selection of pictures from Bristol :o)
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