
im 6'4 to 6'5 blue eyes brownish blond hair 195 lbs real cutie i think i am i love to bull ride and go mudd bogin and its fun and i go to schoo and help my friends out and i wear my wranglers and stuff and its pretty coool when i have 2 girls that look at my butt in homeroom if u want to email me its tisijamie@yahoo.com or icq me its 46804292 or yahoo messenger me at tisijamie or have fun with my site


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i like to do is going to mudholes go to linedancin at anywhere that got good country music and i love my bull ridin and etc

my family is cool my dads dad pasr away when he was 5 and my dad step brother past away a year ago and my friend autumn past away 2 months ago and everything been down for me

my friends are cool and sweet to me since my close sis autumn died 2 months ago of breast cancer i really miss her and my friends are located in the ranch in yahoo chats come in and say hey to us