Welcome to my Road-Kill Kitchen

These recipes and jokes are real and are a mixture from
Southern Louisiana and Southeast Texas.
My family is from both areas,
So I guess you can call us mix breeds,
Can you believe
, Cajun Rednecks!! Scary huh?
It's hard to believe but it CAN happen.
I have always collecting recipes, and now I want to share
them with you.
So put yer feet up and grab ya a cold one, and enjoy!

Copy Cat Recipes ( shhhh )

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If you would like to add your recipe,
E-Mail Me and add your recipe,
name and your state, I will gladly give ya credit.

Credits go to:

The Only Texas Cookbook...by Linda Eckhardt
Favorites Brand Names Cookbook
Ma & Pa's "If you're Hungry Cajun Cookbook"
Cajun Creole Cookbook from the New Iberia Newspaper
Also recipes that were handed down to me thru the years

All Graphics and Web Design were hand created by Christine
Please respect my hard work and do not STEAL my stuff. Thanks

Thanks also to Jasc, for making a
Fantastic Graphics program called