
Pro pripravu stranek byl 
pouzit software 
Macromedia Flash 4.
Pokud se Vam nezobrazuje
kratky clip *Flashed!*
(nebo se objevy bez zvuku)
navstivte stranku Macrome-
dia na stazeni plug-inu.
The site you are about to
enter is Flash 4 enhanced.
Please wait a moment for
a short *Flashed!* movie
clip to appear on this page.
If a clip does not appear 
(or if it appears without 
sound), please visit Macro-
media to download the 
free Flash 4 plug-in first.

Hit Counter Box


Flash 4 PLUG-IN not installed.

Vim ze mam Flash 4/ I know I have Flash 4:



Copyright©1999 LookSharp
Pages for " Nezmari  in Canada' / Nezmari v Kanade" designed by
LookSharp Studio, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
The studio accepts responsibility for any errors or omissions on this site. Direct comments and concerns to