BooBoo's Place

Welcome to my place. My name is Janet but I guess you figured that out. I am 52 years young well soon to be any way. I hope you enjoy yourself as you look through my homepage. A little about myself,I am divorced and have three children & eight grand children. I am from California, which is where I was born, but a substantial part of my life was also spent in Texas. This is my first web page.It has been a good learning experance, And very fun. I really enjoy working on it. You can find me in "Adult Play AKA Dockwave". I am usually in the Anything goes men and women room as BooBoo or sometimes as DamnItJanet. Before you go please sign the guestbook.
My list of links

  • Here In Smokey Heaven
  • Hollywoods Page
  • JazzyJasmin/Nidoranna's Web Page
  • The Echo of Life
  • BooBoo's Other Site
  • WyLLym's Page

    Keeper Of The Stars

    It was no accident me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew Now I just can't believe you're in my life Heaven's smilin' down on me As I look at you tonight

  • CHORUS: I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars

    Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine It takes my breath away Just to look into your eyes I know I don't deserve a treasure like you There really are no words To show my gratitude

    CHORUS: I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars

    It was no accident me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew.

    Tracy Byrd No Ordinary Man 1994

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